RECIPE: Cauliflower-Cashew-Curried Soup a.k.a. Roasted "C3" Soup


A bowl of roasted cauliflower soup, with some nutty flavor and a dash of curry spiciness is all you need for a cozy lunch at home! 

Yes! The association with C4 plastic explosive is not a typo. This soup is a BOMB!!!

1 medium cauliflower (if possible with leaves) 
1 large onion
5 garlic cloves
100 gr. previously soaked Cashew nuts
1 (400 ml.) can of coconut milk
300 ml. homemade Vegetable stock (or water) 
2 tbsp. organic Coconut oil
1 small orange, juiced
1/2 tsp. Garam Masala
1/2 tsp. Curry
1/2 tsp. Turmeric
1/3 tsp. Thai Green Curry paste
1 small chili pepper w/o seeds or 1/2 tsp. Chille pepper flakes
1/3 tsp. Cinnamon
Salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling


Preheat oven to 200 C. Cut cauliflower in fairly large chunks saving the leaves for later. Spread chunks onto a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil and some salt (salt helps extract the water from food while cooking and it will promote the softening of the cauliflower). Bake 25-30' or until soft and slightly brown. 

In a pan sautè the onions, chopped in small pieces, with the coconut oil. Add Garam Masala, turmeric, cinnamon, chilly, curry and thai green curry paste. Lastly add the minced garlic cloves (if you add them too soon they lose a lot of their flavor and there's also a risk of burning them) and cashews. When the onions are soft and transparent add orange juice and roasted cauliflower chunks. When the juice evaporates almost completely pour over coconut milk and veggie stock (or filtered water) and adjust the liquids to your own liking. I personally prefer my soups thick so I don't put too much liquid , just enough to cover the cauliflower. 

Bring to a boil and simmer on low for 10-15'. You don't need more since everything is already cooked but just give it enough time so the tastes can mix and blend well together! 

While the soup is boiling put on a baking tray some of the cauliflower leaves you saved and a handful of cashews, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle some cinnamon, chilly and curry on top. Bake on the maximum power of your oven for 5-6 minutes or until golden and crunchy. 

Finally pour the soup in a blender (or use a hand blender) and make it creamy and velvety! 
Serve, decorating the plate with some baked cauliflower leaves, cashews and a pinch of chilly flakes! 

This soup is so gorgeous and filling that when close my eyes I can see myself somewhere in a cottage in the mountains, surrounded by snow, sitting cross-legged in front of a fire place and eating a bowl of that delicious, creamy goodness! 

Gabi K.